
2024 Distributed Solar and Storage RFP

Distributed energy 资源 (“DERs”) are a significant component of PSE’s preferred portfolio from PSE’s 综合资源计划 (“IRP”) and represent a piece of PSE’s strategy for achieving the targets laid out under the Clean Energy Transformation Act (“CETA”). In addition to its All-Source, DER和DSS rfp, PSE will be issuing a voluntary Distributed Solar and Storage (“DSS”) RFP in 2024 to solicit distributed solar and storage 资源.

2022年初, PSE selected a vendor for its virtual power plant (“VPP”) platform that will be used to dispatch DERs. PSE is currently working on developing and testing the VPP platform, which will manage all applicable DERs in the future. Further details on VPP integration are provided in the RFP. Updates to the schedule and documents will be published below, as well as sent to stakeholders. To be added to the DSS RFP stakeholder distribution list, contact SolarStorageRFPmailbox@egyptawe.com.

The following estimated schedule is subject to adjustment based on the actual pace of the evaluation process. More information on the DSS RFP process and timeline will be provided throughout the process.

提交2024年DSS RFP投标

To submit a bid for the 2024 DSS RFP, qualified respondents must create and register an account at PSE’s RFP提交门户.

  • 2024 DSS RFP时间表

    The following represents PSE’s initial projected timeline.

    日期 里程碑
    2024年5月20日 PSE issues final DSS RFP and files it with the UTC
    2024年6月24日 RFP提交门户 opens and PSE starts accepting proposals
    2024年8月19日 RFP提交门户 closes and offers are due to PSE
    2024年9月18日 PSE posts compliance report to its RFP website, consistent with the requirements of WAC 480-107-035(5)
    Q4 2024 PSE completes evaluation, selects DSS RFP shortlist and notifies Respondents. Respondents are then required to begin their Schedule 152 application
    Q1 2025 PSE negotiates and executes agreements with shortlisted Respondents

    *All submissions must be received by PSE no later than 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time, on the due date. This timetable is provided for planning purposes only and may be modified by PSE as required.

  • 最新消息及通知

    As the RFP process progresses and new information becomes available, PSE will update this portion of the website to include information related to a variety of RFP topics.

    Q&A from bidders and interested parties

    Questions about the DSS RFP may be directed to PSE’s SolarStorageRFPmailbox@egyptawe.com. PSE will periodically tabulate and post questions received and PSE’s responses for the benefit of all interested parties. PSE will not include company names, 项目名称, contact information or other identifying descriptors in the Q&A贴在了网站上.

    Q&A from bidders and interested parties from RFP mailbox (更新8/7/2024)

    RFP Docket Updates (UE-240377)

    Interested parties can find information about the 2024 DSS RFP approval process and any subsequent updates on the WUTC's web site in the DSS RFP docket UE-240377. Last year’s RFP and summary results can be found under docket UE-220971. PSE will post here a compliance report within 30 days after the close of the bidding period, consistent with the requirements of WAC 480-107-035(5).


  • 2024 DSS RFP Documents and Submission

    PSE filed the final DSS RFP with the WUTC on 2024年5月20日 in docket UE-240377. Interested parties can view and download the DSS RFP by clicking the links below, or by visiting the WUTC's DSS RFP docket UE-240377.

    Questions about the DSS RFP may be submitted to the SolarStorageRFPmailbox@egyptawe.com. PSE will periodically tabulate and post questions received, and PSE’s responses for the benefit of all interested parties. PSE will not include company names, 项目名称, contact information or other identifying descriptors in the Q&A贴在了网站上. See 最新消息及通知 section above to view a current copy of the Q&A.

    2024 DSS RFP材料:

    RFP主文档  (5/20/2024)
    Exhibit A: Evaluation Criteria and Scoring (5/20/2024)
    Exhibit B: RFP Proposal Form (5/20/2024)
    附录C: BESS要求 (5/20/2024)
    Exhibit D: Confidentiality Agreement (5/20/2024)
    证据五:避免成本 (5/20/2024)
    Exhibit F: Prototype Ownership agreement (5/20/2024)
    Exhibit G: Prototype BESS agreement (5/20/2024)
    Exhibit H: Prototype PPA agreement (5/20/2024)
    附件一:资源 (5/20/2024)
    附录J:客户同意 (5/20/2024)